Need of Appropriate Referral System For Acutely Injured Children: Experience From The Largest City of Pakistan – A Case Report

Fareeha Nazar

  • Fareeha Nazar Department of Pediatric Surgery National Institute of Child Health Karachi


A 4-year old child was hit by a cow and sustained serious multisystem injuries. He reached a dedicated trauma center within 30-minutes. However, he was referred to another tertiary care center and finally to a pediatric institute for definitive management. It took six hours for the child to get an admission to surgical ICU of paediatric hospital. This case highlighted a need of proper treatment facility of acutely injured children as well as an appropriate referral system in case transfer to a higher center is deemed necessary after the initial management in the emergency room.

Key words

Pediatric trauma, Domestic animal injury, Trauma referral system, Level 1 trauma center. 

Case Reports