Canaliculitis and Snip Procedure
Zeeshan Kamil, Qirat Qurban, Shehla Dareshani
To find out effectiveness of snip procedure in the treatment of canaliculitis.
Study design
Cross sectional study.
Place & Duration of study
BHY Hospital Karachi, Pakistan, from October 2017 to September 2019.
Patients of either gender with age from 20 years to 70 years suffering from clinically evident canaliculitis were included. Patients having a prior history of dacryocystorhinostomy surgery were excluded. Informed consent was obtained from each patient preoperatively. Snip procedure was performed on all the patients and oral antibiotics advised. Patients were followed for up to three months postoperatively to evaluate for any recurrences. Data were analysed using SPSS version 22. Ch square test was used to find out stastical significance.
A total of eighty five patients were included in this study out of which six patients developed recurrence of the disease. Three out of the six patients required revision surgeries. Two patients developed surgical granuloma and two had delayed healing. There was no significant difference in terms of recurrence related to gender (p=0.26), laterality (p=0.47), and punctal site (p=0.66). The significance value for redo surgery in context of gender was insignificant (p= 0.24), laterality (p=0.40), and punctal site (p=0.49).
Snip procedure was found effective treatment for early, recovery and prevention of recurrence in patients with canaliculitis.
Key words
Canaliculitis, Snip procedure, Dacryocystorhinostomy.