Clinical Presentation, Postoperative Complications and Risk Factors of Duodenal Leakage After Graham Omentopexy for Duodenal Ulcer Perforation

Arooba Zahid, Mazhar Iqbal, Ainnan Memon, Husna Mehboob, Ayesha Mehboob

  • Arooba Zahid Department of General Surgery – Ward 2 Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center Karachi



To find out the clinical presentation, postoperative complications and risk factors of duodenal leakage after Graham omentopexy for duodenal ulcer perforation.

Study design

Cross-sectional observational study.

Place & Duration of study

Department of General Surgery Ward-2, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center Karachi, from April 2021 to April 2023.


Patients of duodenal ulcer perforation of both genders were included. Preoperative risk factors and postoperative outcome were recorded on a predesigned form. A 95% confidence interval was calculated for each proportion and tested by one sample t test for binomial proportion against null hypothesis. The results were considered significant with p <0.05.


A total of 72 patients were included. There were 67 (93.05%) males and 05 (6.95%) females. Age was from 12 years to 65 years. Twenty-seven (37.50%) patients presented within 24-hours and 20 (27.78%) after 48-hours of onset of symptoms. Prothrombin tine (PT)/INR were deranged in 15 (20.83%) patients. Serum albumin was found low in 05 (6.94%) and raised serum creatinine in 14 (19.44%) patients. Peritoneal fluid was dirty and more than 1000 ml in 15 (20.83%) patients. All patients had perforation in the anterior wall of the duodenum.

Postoperative wound infection occurred in 14 (19.44%), leakage in 12 (16.66%), paralytic ileus in 05 (6.94%), respiratory failure in 03 (4.16%), and burst abdomen in 02 (2.77%) patients. Six (8.33%) patients expired in this series. Among the 12 patients who experienced leakage after Graham omentopexy, 06 (50%) expired. Patients who died presented after 48-hours, had deranged creatinine level, deranged INR, hypotension, dirty peritoneal fluid of more than 1000 ml, perforation size greater than 01 cm, and age above 50-years.


Common risk factors of leakage of duodenal ulcer perforation after Graham omentopexy were older age, delayed presentation, deranged biochemical profile with a significant intra-peritoneal collection. Mortality and morbidity were high after the leakage.

Key words 

Graham omentopexy, Duodenal perforation, Duodenal leakage, Peritonitis.

Original Article